Debut single Release 7/7/2024

This was taken at The Grand in Brighton and is a homage to the artist, Edward Hopper. His realistic, painterly style depicting lone individuals, usually women in everyday settings — the edge of a bed, at the cinema, on a train, sitting in a launderette or in a café –- all demand answers. Who are these women? Are they waiting for someone? Are they travelling to meet someone? Are they all alone, and if so, what has led to these solo moments, this isolated and neglected life?

The lyrics for Genius in the Blue were written during a time of significant change for me.  I often found myself in what felt like a Hopperesque Universe, questioning not just my place in life but also the broader questions of reality and existence. What  is real? What is true? What is the self and where does it come from?  Does everything have an accountable origin? What is a true original?

Happily, Edward Hopper is just one of the many synergies between Tom and me. We’re both inspired by the aesthetics of the artist as much as we are captivated by the soulful accents of the late ’60s STAXX sound that echo in this song. We’ve interspersed this with a jazzy melancholic underbelly to add a layer of vulnerability and introspection.

We love this first song of ours and can’t wait for you to hear it.

Thanks for checking in.

Melony x